What Are the Top 3 Myths about Buying a New Car?
There are numerous questions you should ask yourself before purchasing a new car—furthermore, there are several myths about the purchasing process that you may have previously mistaken for facts. We’re here to set the record straight and ensure you know what to expect when buying a new car. Keep reading the Bluff Road Auto Sales blog post, Columbia, SC.to learn in detail about top 3 myths about buying a new car.
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Paying Cash Will Get You a Better Price
Before purchasing a new car, you should ask yourself several questions. Furthermore, several myths about the buying process that you may have previously mistaken for facts. We’re here to clear the air and ensure you know what to expect when purchasing a new car. Hopefully, this article has prepared you for a variety of scenarios that may occur at the dealership.
New Cars Depreciate Too Much
Of course, when you drive a new car off the lot, its value decreases. That’s because everyone else feels the same way you do: if the prices for new and used vehicles were the same, no one would ever buy a used car.
So, yes, they depreciate, but “too much”? No.

When you buy a new car, you don’t intend to sell it right away, do you? You might want to trade it in a few years from now, but not right away.
I Can’t Afford a New Car
We can almost certainly find something to fit your budget because many financing options are available today to help almost anyone interested in purchasing a new vehicle. Our new vehicles are backed by excellent warranties that will keep you on the road and enjoying your ride for years.
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If you are interested in purchasing a new car, you can visit our dealership to browse various vehicles. Contact us today for any further queries.